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Jokes: Four items selected from a larger, personal collection (the rest being in Norwegian)


Livets hårda skola: Gapskratt.


It is a bit of a shame to take the jokes below out of the context in which they appear in the collec­tion from which they are taken, but what can I do? Here we go:


A Lufthansa aircraft on its way to the US was forced to make an emergency landing on the water. A voice sounded over the intercom (with a heavy German accent, including ‘v’ for ‘w’, ‘f’ for ‘v’, a throaty ‘r’ and ‘z’ in stead of ‘th’): ‘Ladies and gentle­men. Unfortunately, vee haf had to land on the ze water. Please stay calm, and listen care­­fully. Zose of you who can swim, please walk out on ze right wing, and zose of you who can not swim, please walk out on the ze left wing.’  When everybody had followed the instruc­tion there came another one: ’Zank you. Now, for zose on ze right wing, New York is one zousand miles to ze west. And for zose on ze left wing – zank you for flying Lufthansa!’


The next one I heard from philosophy professor Dan Wikler when he visited me in Oslo in 2005. An ordinary guy from Dans home state Kentucky was walking around on campus at Harvard Uni­versity. He stopped a man passing by and asked (with a heavy Southern drawl): ‘Excuse me, sir, but could you please tell me where Harvard Yard’s at?’

The other man, being a distinguished professor, hesitated. ‘Well, my good fellow,’ he said after a moment. ‘Here at Harvard we do not usually end sentences with a preposition.’

‘Oh, is that a fact!’ exclaimed the visitor. ‘Well, I’ll rephrase myself then. Could you please tell me where Harvard Yard’s at, asshole?’


Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the following one was told me by a lady (from New York) more than fifty years ago: Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the woods one day. The big, bad wolf appears before her, snar­ling ‘Little Red Riding Hood, I’m gonna eat you, eat you, eat you!’ Little Red Riding Hood puts her hands on her hips and mockingly tips her head from side to side (spill ut). ‘Eat, eat, eat! Doesn’t anyone around here fuck any­more?’


The last one is my all time favourite. I heard it from a young man that I hitchhiked with in Tam­pa, Florida, in 1971. I almost fell out of the car and am still laughing:

Nasty Ned is a mean kid. He does bad things and uses dirty language all the time. One day at school, the teacher wants to see if the children can come up with words beginning with diffe­rent letters in the alphabet. She starts with ‘A’ – and Nasty Ned’s got his hand up!  He’s got a word beginning with ‘A’! But the teacher is sure he’s going to say ‘asshole’ and she won’t have that in front of the others, so she lets Mary have a chance and Mary says apple¨. ‘Very good, Mary.’ The teacher goes on to ‘B’ – and again Nasty Ned raises his hand, but she’s sure he’s going to say ‘bitch’ or ‘bastard’, so she lets Peter have a go instead, and Peter says ‘base­ball’. Very good again. The teacher continues with more letters – all the while ignoring Nasty Ned’s repeated waving – and after some time comes to ‘R’ – and Nasty Ned’s got his hand up again, and this time he’s the only one in class who has his hand up. The teacher pauses for a few seconds and she can’t think of any dirty word beginning with ‘R’. So she let’s Nasty Ned have a chance, and Nasty Ned says:

‘Rats! Big, fuckin’ rats (hold your hands in front of you 30-40 centi­meters apart) with dicks as long as this!’